How to earn online real money? How to earn money online for teenager? How to make passive income online?

When you have a smartphone and an Internet connection, you can start earning money online today (or as soon as possible in the future). But how exactly do you go about making money from home? What are the various ways that you can get paid for creating web content and writing articles or posting on social media? Well, there’s no single answer to this question but what we’re going to talk about is how you actually make money with digital marketing. Let's find out how you can use online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc to build your earnings from home.

How to earn online money without investment?
How to earn online money without investment?

Methods to start Online Earning

How to make 100 dollars a day?

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way of promoting one company’s products or services through another company’s affiliate program and then getting a commission from every sale generated by that sales. Usually companies will pay you after they’ve sold their product through your link, so usually the more traffic to the site you generate for them, the more profitable it becomes. You need to know a bit about affiliate programs before diving into affiliate marketing so let’s learn that here, too.

The most popular types of affiliate sites include Amazon Associates, eBay Partners Network, ClickBank, ShareASale, Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates), Walmart Media, Viglink, and many others. These websites work by connecting brands with consumers through incentives or partnerships. Brands typically partner with these publishers and affiliates to sell and promote their own products or services to the masses without having to pay someone else. It makes sense that every business wants to get the benefit of advertising its products to everyone. Companies pay affiliates based on either clicks or impressions on a website and a click is when an individual user clicks on your page, whereas an impression is when other people click on your ad depending on your site size, where users spend their time, and whether they click through or not. Not only does it boost brand awareness among users, it also gives you a piece of the profits!

2. Content Writing Jobs

Content writers use words to convey all kinds of information including blog posts, whitepapers or eBooks, white papers, reports, case studies, technical documents, research projects, and more. These professionals write copy so businesses don’t have to worry much about creating original material. If you're looking for quality content in general, check out Copy blogger's list of great places to get started! There are lots of freelance opportunities available online where you could turn yourself into a writer. Many companies are willing to pay those who need written content done but if you want to focus on just blogging or writing for fun, you can always be a professional blog owner.

3. Paid Social Media Advertising Accounts

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and even TikTok can be used to advertise any type of business. Some companies allow you to create paid accounts on their network as well to advertise your service or product (for example, if you offer wedding planning services) because they want you to become fans of their brand, which helps drive traffic to their page. Other types of advertising are direct messaging and email marketing. The main benefit of using social media to advertise is that it allows you to reach a large audience in a short period of time while still keeping your costs low – meaning, you get paid per interaction and ad. However, you don't have to worry too much about budgeting since you can work from anywhere as long as you provide services to others. And yes, we know how scary that sounds right now but hey! We promise that doesn't mean we don't care about our clients' money! Just make sure you keep both the client's and yours in mind!

4. PPC Ads

Paid search ads is the process of running advertisements online based on keywords related to a particular industry. An SEO expert will help you get top spots in Google search results. Pay-per-click campaigns are the most common form of digital advertising. As mentioned above, you'll want to know exactly how much you'd charge for each click. A standard cost per click price per click campaign is between $0.05-$0.10 or CPM. While the number can vary based on factors like competition, keyword relevance, etc.

5. Affiliate Link Building Sites / Networks

This is a very broad category but let’s break it down a bit more specifically to affiliate networks and affiliate marketers. With networks, advertisers connect with bloggers, influencers and other internet personalities. In exchange, bloggers or persons affiliated with the company send customers to buy their products or services. Then, the advertiser gets paid when someone uses her/his link to purchase an item (in this case, your affiliate links). Since you're building relationships online through social media, you're probably aware of some of the best networks to join and that is why we've listed them here. Whether you're trying to build your reputation as a blogger or a pro at something else, joining these networks can give you new tools to take advantage of your expertise in order to earn money from different sources. Here is a quick summary of six of the biggest affiliate networks, including Amazon Associates, Flipkart Fulfillment Services Private Labels, ITC Global Brand, iBeacon Direct Connection, META Direct Hub, and Promo Partner Networks.

6. Blogging & Freelancing

Blogging offers numerous benefits for anyone interested in earning money online if they put in the effort. Being able to share your opinions and experiences as well as provide helpful data to readers is immensely satisfying in itself. Aside from sharing useful information and tips that can improve their lives, you can also gain valuable connections in the form of followers, subscribers, and friends. Even though freelancers can hire someone who can write your daily content, if you're struggling with finding ideas about topics you're knowledgeable about, working with a team of experienced writers can come in handy as well. All of the resources below can help you find the perfect niche for your website and earn money from blogging.

7. Online Courses & Training Classes

While doing what you love has been said to bring happiness to everyone, there are plenty of online courses and training classes out there that earn you money as well. Although there are thousands of options out there to choose from and the majority of them are free, you also don't have to shell out huge amounts to learn a skill or attend a course. Most things are simply taught online and you can earn money for doing various jobs from simple tasks to complex ones. For example, instead of taking a class for cooking, there are tons of cooking courses available on Udemy, Youtube, Microsoft Learning, Skillshare and other sites. In addition, you can teach online courses and train people on specific skills in whatever area you are interested in. In fact, you should consider learning some advanced programming languages as well. If you're looking for easy and cheap side hustles to supplement your income (like what we did!), freelance writing is definitely one of the best solutions. Simply sign up for websites like,, and and start selling things on their marketplace. Or, you can try your hand at teaching English online via Skype. To add to that list, teaching ESL online via Zoom is also a good choice as it helps bridge the gap between language teachers and students alike.